Social gathering / Artists support each other / Community power / Vienna / 2015
In 2015, I organised the Mittwochsgesellschaft ("Wednesday Society for Artists") - a series of informal meetings for artists of various disciplines. It serves as a plattform of exchange - a place to ask your colleagues for advice and help. At Mittwochsgesellschaft we share gossip as well as common and specific concerns. We meet to network, to moan, to whine, and to laugh it all off together.
What results from this?
Shared drinks and laughs and sometimes new problem-solving strategies.
The Mittwochgesellschaft takes place at irregular intervals at different locations. If you want to recieve an invitation to the next Mittwochsgesellschaft, just send me an Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.