Hotel Butterfly - High Performance Double Feature
Fruit Drops & High Tops - A Glamour Amour FILM & PARTY in Technicolor Dreams!!!

Watch Johanna Moders movie debut „HIGH PERFORMANCE – Mandarinen lügen nicht“ on the 11th April at 8pm and join your fabulous Cousins in Resistance for a premier extravaganza after-screening-HOTEL BUTTERFLY-party ...

Come along for Hollywood Glamour free POPcorn and enjoy a special filmcelebrationparty night
with Butterfly Haus-DJane eyre and her Tiger
and our fabulous bestboys Willi and Muniel Muniel

!!!Double Feature - Film and Party .. Just like old times!!!!

so ungefähr wird's ablaufen

19:45 glamouröser Empfang mit hoher Promidichte, free popcorn & fresh fruits - Kinokarten bitte hier vorbestellen www. - Tel.: 01/ 58 52 867 (tgl. ab 18 Uhr)

20:00 High Performance Filmvorführung

21: 30 ab ins HOTEL BUTTERFLY zur After-Show Celebration in Technicolour Dreams (für Gäste mit Kinokarte gibt's auch einen Free Shot von den Hoteldirektorinnen)

dress code: the higher the better!

attention: promi-schmusen ab 00.00

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