Snowglobe / Installation / Performance / Dirty Dick's Pub / London

One evening in the chic midwinter, sometime around December 2011, three beautiful and wise Queens, known as Lametta, Snow and Advent, came together for a marvellous occasion. They were to give the humble public the opportunity to join the Wise Queen Sisterhood, an honour like no other! To do so the Queens constructed a fabulous DIY giant snowglobe, or Snowdomia as it came to be known. The future Queen applicants had to describe what they would bring to the sacred Sisterhood and go through a rigorous Queening ceremony. This exclusive footage shows you a behind the scenes look inside (and a bit outside) the magical snowglobe. The 3 Queens are Scarlett Lassoff, Emma Louise Bass and Georg Klüver-Pfandtner.

Presented at Laura and Lauren's Arty X-Mas Party at Dirty Dick's pub, London, December 2011. Photos © Lee Gentry

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Bildschirmfoto 2018 02 23 um 17.43.08

Bildschirmfoto 2018 02 23 um 17.43.08

We three Queens of Bethnal Green / Bow

Bearing magic we traverse afar
Bins and blaging, recycling and rummaging
Following neon dicks star
O’ () of wonder () of light
Star of royal beauty bright
Eastward leading still proceeding
Bringing you queen sisterhood tonight
We don’t want a lot for Christmas but there is just one thing we need
we don’t care about the presents
underneath the Christmas tree
we just want you for our own
for more than, you could ever know,
make our wish come true ()
all we want for Christmas is you ooooooooo
Sleigh bells ring
are you listening
in the lane
snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
we're happy tonight
lounging in a winter wonderland
In the snowglobe we can build a snowman
Then pretend that he is dirty dick
He'll say: Are you single?
we'll say: Yes man
But you can do the job
when you're





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