Exhibition / Performance / Hotel Butterfly / flux23 / Vienna Art Week / 2016
Listen carefully, speak collectively...
In this performance, we take visitors under our wings.
A Hotel Butterfly performance for the group show WIR ist schön, curated by flux23 as part of the Vienna Art Week 2016.
"(...) With the group show WIR ist schön (tr. WE is beautiful), flux23 puts spotlight on the beauty of commonality, bringing together positions committed to enabling shared experiences through art. The participating artists fuse seemingly unfamiliar elements in new ways, look inside themselves, and take art back into the wider social realm (...)"
Exhibition opening tour with curator Lena Freimüller and the artist collective Hotel Butterfly (Florian Aschka, Wilhelm Binder, Hatschepsut Huss, Georg Klüver-Pfandtner for the collective) starts on 16th November 2016 / 7 pm.
Photos © Renate Mihatsch