Performance / Costume and stage design / Dramaturgy  / steirischer herbst 2015

Luise 37 02 by JJ Kucek w870x460



Football fouls & feminist force

The setting of “Luise 37” is a prosperous locality in the immediate surroundings of Graz, in the affluent suburbs, where many young families have fulfilled their dream of owning their own home or of living in a smart residential estate – motorway connection and commuter allowance included. Luise and her husband have their own home there, too. The rural idyll near the city is not as dreamy as it appears at first sight – he commutes to the city every day, she works part-time and deals with the kids in the afternoons: baby yoga, music school, ballet and ... football.
While the kids are training on the football pitch, Luise takes care of the shopping and housework – and life passes her by like the commuters on the highway.

The Rabtaldirndln put on their shin pads and structure their performance as a football training session: “Get out of your comfort zone!” they yell with brute feminist force as they make for the goal. “Take your life back into your own hands and don’t define yourself through your children!” 


About the collective: The Rabtaldirndln come from the Rabtal, an imaginary region of Styria. The five-strong theatre collective with rural roots however, always seeks contact with the city. It doesn’t always end well – but they don’t allow themselves to become disillusioned.

Photos © J.J. Kucek

Concept and realisation Die Rabtaldirndln
With Barbara Carli, Rosi Degen, Bea Dermond & Gudrun Maier
Stage and set design Georg Klüver-Pfandtner
Choreographic advice Milli Bitterli
Dramaturgy Gerda Strobl & Georg Klüver-Pfandtner
Technical direction Nina Ortner
Production Gudrun Maier

Commissioned by steirischer herbst
Co-produced by steirischer herbst & Theater Roxy
Supported by Kanton Basel-Stadt, Fachausschuss Theater und Tanz

steirischer herbst
Production Jakob Schweighofer
Project management Stefan Pfister
Technical management Karl Masten


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